- We've been operating for decades and we learnt so much from our staff members that contributed to our corporate culture over many years.
- We're investors in people who built the ultimate people-centric, most inspiring and most innovative organization.
- We maintain one of the best people retention policies that takes performance to happiness.
- Recognized as the organization that walks the talk and the one that redefined Class A Information Technology Services in the region.
- Recognized as the most trusted & reliable partner to our customer's throughout their digital journey helping them conceive value.
- We built an elastic delivery net of partners, suppliers and sub-contractors with unique supplier performance management & evaluation.

- Enabling tomorrow's leaders through our unique ``Interns of The Future Program`` sponsored by the Corporate Executives.
- We help interns from all over the world gain hands-on knowledge of advanced technologies and develop soft skills & leadership competencies.
- Teamwork, assignments and workshops using the program's Page @interns.of.the.future - Join Us!
Environmental Performance
- We've been pioneers in adopting & promoting advanced technologies that help reduce carbon footprint such as Cloud Computing and Field Mobility.
- Continuously communicating environmental performance goals and impacts within our echo business environment.
- We're committed to building a safer future and to continuously enhance our practices to achieve that.